Miki Hardy

Letter to the churches 2019

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

In chapter 4: 4-6 of his epistle, James doesn’t mince his words when he uses the term “adulterers” to describe those who desire to be friends of the world and therefore make themselves enemies of God.

Let’s take this warning seriously and choose God and not the world!

Doesn’t friendship with the world mean that we value, embrace and even approve of what it has to offer us? Doesn’t an attitude like that lead us to fulfil the desires of our flesh, causing our hearts to draw away from God?

Fashion, sensuous films, bad company, corrupt ways, worldly music, gambling, alcohol… to mention just a few are destructive tools for our lives.

As Christians, we who have known the truth, and tasted salvation are we then going to fall into the trap of deceiving ourselves into believing that it’s all right to do such things? Surely not!

In 2 Corinthians 6: 14-18 Apostle Paul encourages us in that respect, to separate ourselves from everything that deprives us of true fellowship with Jesus and to devote ourselves to the Lord.

Let’s humble ourselves and take up our cross, putting an end to such things that are harmful to our Christian life and that draw us away from the Lord and His plan for our life.

Instead, let’s get ready to meet Jesus like the parable of the wise and foolish virgins encourages us to do in Matthew 25: 1-13.

I pray that 2019 is a year of victory for you in your personal life, your family life, your marriage and your service for Jesus.

With warmest greetings to you in Jesus Christ,

2019 Lettre aux églises-fin